Precision Pathology

About Us

The board-certified pathologists practicing at Precision Pathology Laboratory Services and Village Oaks Pathology Services, PA, have provided Anatomic and Clinical Pathology services for patients and their physicians practicing in San Antonio since 1986. Our motto is “A Spirit of Excellence”. We have committed to bringing a spirit of excellence to everything we do. We always remember that every specimen has come from someone’s loved one so we are determined to provide the precise diagnosis every time and as quickly as possible.

We enjoy an excellent reputation for quick turnaround times while providing accurate pathology diagnoses. We are known for our exceptionally responsive and helpful service to the physicians and patients we serve. Because of this high level of service, many physicians specifically request that their patients’ specimens be sent to Precision Pathology Laboratory Services.

All of the specimens submitted to Precision Pathology Laboratory Services are examined by at least two experienced and board-certified pathologists. If there is a disagreement between the primary pathologist’s diagnosis and the secondary quality control pathologist’s diagnosis, the case is sent to a third expert pathologist outside of our practice for an additional opinion. These outside pathology experts are recognized world authorities who do not practice general pathology but rather have specialized in very narrow areas of pathology.

Pathology Reports are available on our secure HIPAA-compliant website to physicians anytime and anywhere the internet is available.