Patient billing for Precision Pathology Laboratory Services is provided by APS Medical Billing (APS).
APS can be contacted at 800-536-1197. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist with any questions, or billing-related matters pertaining to Precision Pathology Laboratory Services.
Billing Questions
Which Insurance Plans Are We In?
Click on this link for our current managed care list.
What is a Pathologist?
A pathologist is a doctor who has completed medical school, internship and four years of residency training in anatomic and/or clinical pathology. Pathologists have been called “the doctors’ doctor” because we examine specimens submitted to us by clinicians. A pathologist is responsible for determining whether the tissue removed by your doctor is normal or abnormal. Sometimes the pathologist has to decide whether a specimen contains cancer. If cancer is present we then attempt to discover its exact type or from where it came so that appropriate treatment can be provided.
A pathologist may complete 2 – 3 additional years of specialty training and obtain additional board certification in more narrow fields of pathology. Some examples include: neuropathology (diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscle), hematopathology (diseases of blood and lymph tissue), cytopathology (study of abnormal cells like Pap smears, etc) or pediatric pathology (diseases of children). Please see the section of this website titled “Our Pathologists” to learn more about the areas of special interest our pathologists have developed.
Why Did I Get a Bill From the Lab?
Your doctor performed a procedure which included taking a sample of tissue called a biopsy or specimen. This tissue was sent to Precision Pathology Services where it was given a unique accession number and then recorded in a computer along with your billing information. The specimen was then examined by one of our staff and dissected if necessary. For a smaller specimen, the entire sample is put in for processing. For a larger specimen, representative samples are carefully selected by the pathologist for processing. These samples are then placed in a sophisticated piece of laboratory equipment called a tissue processor. Using a series of chemical baths, the tissue processor eventually permeates the tissue with paraffin. The chilled paraffinized tissue is firm enough so that extremely thin sections can be cut using a specialized cutting device called a microtome. These thin sections are placed on a glass slide and stained precisely to highlight desired structures of the cells. The pathologist examines the slide(s) under a microscope and dictates a report for your doctor. This report includes the final diagnosis.
Who Do I Contact If I Have a Question About My Bill?
If you have a question in regards to your bill, please contact APS Medical Billing (APS) at (419) 866-1804. A member of the APS staff will assist you with any questions you might have pertaining to your bill.
What if I Need Payment Arrangements?
Precision Pathology Laboratory Services offers a prompt pay discount of 15% for services. Within ten (10) business days from your statement date, please contact our billing office (APS, above) between 8:00am and 5:00pm CST to set up payment arrangements. Please note: If a discounted rate has already been offered, no further discount will be applied. It is the payer’s responsibility to contact APS in reference to any discount.
What does the wording "Pending Insurance" on my bill mean?
Pending Insurance means we are still waiting to hear back from your insurance company on if they will cover specific items. Your total amount due may shift one way or the other until we receive final notification from your insurance company. Please pay close attention to your EOB to learn more.